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Introduction to Pesukei d’Zimra (6) – An Independent Unit – Rav Sa’adia & the Rambam

Introduction to Pesukei d’Zimra (6) – An Independent Unit – Rav Sa’adia & the Rambam

We have seen two  different general approaches. The first, based on the gemara in Shabbat 118b (R. Yosi), views pesukei d’zimra as a daily Hallel to thank God for the existence of nature. The second approach, based on the Mishna in Berachot 31a (R. Simlai and the beraytot), views pesukei d’zimra as preparation for the amida. There are three modes that the rishonim teased out of the gemara

  1. praise before petition; 
  2. solemnity, settled law, and the joy of Mitzvah; 
  3. waiting in anticipation.

These three ideas plus Hallel do not easily sit in the same moment. How are we meant to bring all of these attitudes into one portion of tefila? Pesukei d’zimra appears to be a kind of emotional and spiritual roller coaster. Allow me to offer a brief insight at this stage, to which we will return in our concluding essay.

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