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Introduction to Shema and its Berachot (4) – The Blessings and the Amida (1) – סמיכת גאולה לתפילה

Introduction to Shema and its Berachot (4) – The Blessings and the Amida (1) – סמיכת גאולה לתפילה

The first beracha after the Shema both in the morning and the evening concludes with the phrase, “גאל ישראל – who redeemed Israel.” The theme of redemption is essential to these berachot. During shacharit, this beracha leads us right into the Amida. According to all, one may interrupt between the conclusion of the beracha and the beginning of the Amida1.  

The gemara – both Bavli and Yerushalmi – lavishes praise on those who are able to go immediately from the beracha of redemption to the Amida. We will begin this topic with a presentation of three gemarot about the praiseworthy nature of this practice. In the next two essays, we will try to understand why this is such an important achievement. The fourth installment will outline the differences between shacharit and arvit. We will conclude with a deeper analysis of that debate and an eye toward how that reflects on some of the broader themes.

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